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Writer's pictureSophie Eastwood


Updated: Jul 2

YEP survey highlights real estate’s image problem.

The findings from a series of round table discussions and a survey conducted by YEP, the UK’s networking organisation for rising stars, has uncovered real estate’s image problem and how it can be addressed. YEP presented its findings at UKREiiF on Tuesday 21st May, YEP highlighted the need for more awareness about the range of opportunities in the built environment and much better communication about the opportunities and the wide range of benefits that a career in the sector brings.

The survey respondents represented a 50/50 male female split with 55% aged between 21 and 29 and 40% between 30 and 39. The top 5 findings of the survey include:

Addressing perceptions and misconceptions: the survey asked respondents about their perceptions before and after they joined the industry. 25% said they thought it would be friendly, but this increased to 75% once working in the sector. 40% thought it would be interesting, which grew to 60% after. Just 20% thought it would be fun, but 80% said it is!

Awareness of the jobs available: there are more than 50 different jobs in property, but these are not widely known. 71% of those surveyed cited a lack of awareness of roles and career opportunities as a key issue in attracting young people to the industry. In fact, 10% came into the industry by chance, an experience shared by a significant proportion of hackathon attendees.

More routes into the industry: 41% of respondents undertook a built environment degree and 10% came into the industry through a family connection. At the hackathon events, students attending felt there could be more promotion of alternative ways to get into the industry, such as apprenticeships, T Level, BTEC or internships. Attendees also raised an issue about equality in entry level roles – supporting apprentices and graduates in the same way, offering easier access and more grants for those less affluent, which would also help ensure greater diversity.

Spreading the word earlier: a third of respondents said we need to be educating about built environment jobs at junior and senior school level, with college being too late for many and restrictions on non-cognate degrees that deliver access to real estate restrictive.

Defining the USPs of a career in property: when asked about what people liked most about a career in real estate, the variety stands out as does the interesting nature of the work, with no two days the same. Career prospects and the opportunity to add value to society also featured highly. At the hackathon events, transferable skills and lateral moves were also highlighted as a major benefit.

Sophie Eastwood, Director of YEP and founder of real estate PR agency Holistic and research company Holistic Insight, which examined the findings, said: “The industry has a huge opportunity to attract great talent simply by raising awareness. Most of society’s visibility around property comes from construction sites, estate agents and local development proposals, particularly in terms of delivering homes. There is so much more to the sector, with over 50 different roles, all adding value in different ways.

If the whole industry clubs together to reach a younger audience and show the value that the next generation can have on society through a career in the built environment, it can safeguard its future and attract the skills it needs to innovate and thrive.”

YEP is a 5,500 strong membership organisation which provides opportunities to make new connections, network, do business, share knowledge and learn new skills. It aims to give future leaders a voice in the industry. Regionally, it has eight chapters across the UK, in London, Leeds, Southampton, Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield and Exeter.

For further information:

Sophie Eastwood

Director of YEP

Mob: 07709 359 529

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